29 Mart 2020 Pazar

Online Courses

Hi again! Education is important and life long. Actually, we are all learning something in every second of our life. Since this is so crucial, i  enrolled a course at Udemy.

Udemy has so many topics which may interest you. After spend some time, i found mine! It was a electro guitar course. I really enjoyed it. I will upload some of the scenes and screen shots from Udemy and my course. After you finish your course, you achieve your finishing certificate! It is so motivating!  I do advise you to enroll a course that interests you. Here it is the some websites that you can enroll their courses even if you are so far from them:

And you can graduate from University of London, or University of Michigan even if you live in Turkey (: Because all of them has collaboreted with some universities.
Enroll, study, and earn your certificate or degree!

This is my certificate -i earn it today (:-

A screen shot from my course.

A screen shot from my course.

Topic from Udemy.

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