Today I made a padlet for you. Maybe you wondered about what is that padlet. Padlet is an app and website where you can create your dashboard and share it! It has a promising future! Because it requires creativness and creativness is limitless C:
A screen shot from Padlet's website. This is the main menu.
There are types of dashboards that you can choose. I choose the one with map.
This screen shot is from my padlet. As you can see, you can customize your padlet. Like title, statement, selecting your map type or text type.
You can also see your details of your padlet.
And you can share your padlet (: There are a lot of options.
Also you can change your privacy.
In a nutshell, Padlet very efficient application that you can use in your clasroom. It is visual so it's funny for the young learners. Especially for the little ones.
Here is my Padlet link: Here i am!
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