31 Mayıs 2020 Pazar


Hello everyone! How are you? I hope all of you doing well. Today, we are going to talk about a website called Thinglink. By using Thinglink, you can create images, videos. You can add and support your materials with auidos or links. Let's start to create!

I signed up as a teacher account. 

After i signed up, it showed me too many ideas to inspire me. It is very useful.

The main menu of the Thinglink! After i took a look at the examples, i tried to create my own Thinglink. 

First, i upload a background. Then, as you can see at the right side, there is 3 button. I clicked ''Add Tag'' button. 

This is what i saw when i clicked that button. You can choose according to your needs. 

It is done! You can see my own Thinglink by clicking HERE!

30 Mayıs 2020 Cumartesi

Augmented Reality (AR)!

Hello everyone! I hope all of you doing well in these days. Today we are take a look at Augmented Reality (AR). Before i move on the augmented reality, i want to mention about what is the difference between AR and VR (I talked about VR on one of my previous posts). Virtual reality (VR) is an experience where you use a headset in order to access the virtual world. However, augmented reality, via smart phone's camera or tablet's camera, add digital objects into your physical environment.

We can divided AR into two categories. One of them is Marked - based Augmented reality and the other one is markerless one. In first one, you have to scan a code in order for reaching a specific image. In the latter one, images/objects appear anywhere your camera's sees.

Resihttps://www.dunyahalleri.com/pokemon-go-listeleri-salliyor/m yazısı ekle

A game example of augmented reality.


One of the application example is IKEA mobile app. If you download this application you can see how the ikea furnitures look like in your room! It is a helpful application for whom wondering how the furniture will fit in their room. Just download the app, select furnitures from catolog and see how it fits!

Also, you can use this technology in your classess! Capabilities of AR may make classess more engaging and information more comprehensible. Since it has dynamic and animated pictures, contents it will definetely catch the learners attention! There are too many applicaitons for it. One of them is UniteAr and we are going to take a look at it!

You can scan a code or you can directly go to the AR gallery.

There are too many options that you can choose.


I record a video in order to show how its graphics well. 

29 Mayıs 2020 Cuma

Virtual Reality! (VR)

Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are fine :) Today we are going to talk about virtual reality technology! But for the purpose of language learning :) Via virtual reality we can offer an environment where our learners feel like they are in another fantastic world. In this way, our learners will engage foreign language much more than before.

The cheapest way of doing this is cardboards! You can make your own cardboard in classroom with your students! You just need a cardboard and glue! Also, a device that capable of reaching VR applications. Or you can just buy the ones that are ready to use, like Google Cardboard. It is cheap and suitable for students.

If you want more professional glassess you can give a try for VR glassess. They are virtual reality headset. And offer you more professional experience.

This one is Oculus Quest All in One VR Headset.

I saw an example on the internet. In one of my posts i talked about Mondly and i said it has a VR technology. By clicking this LINK you can see exact video. And someone tried it! You can watch from HERE.

In a nutshell, you can visit any places like countries, museums, parks, or space :) And in that places you can engage with language learning. It will definitely interests your students. Since it has vivid and dynamic graphics :)

28 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe

Second Life

Hi everyone! I hope all of you doing well. Today we are going to talk about Second Life! It is a virtual world application. In order to access the applicaiton i download the application and i signed up! My avatar was ready to use. There was a training island. I learnt to use application. Then o got socialized! This applicaiton is so useful especially in this pandemic period :)

By using Second Life applicaiton we can support our learning. We can meet our frineds and teacher in second life and we can study our lessons on the application. Also, there is lots of places that we can go. 

You can search places and click the portal section. Then here you go!

I go a place where you can play educational games with your friends or class. Learners can speak and aswer the question. 

And there is a few boads. The one that i am looking is about idioms. Or next to it there is a sudoku bilboard. It's so cool!

Then i visited the California State University, Northbridge Campus. That was so beautiful.

There was classess that you can meet your teacher and class.

There were learning boards that you can get information from them.

This is really useful. 

And a screen shot from Second Life! Me and my dear friend :)

26 Mayıs 2020 Salı


Hello guys :) I hope all of you doing well! Today i am not going to talk about applications or websites that are useful for learning enhancement but SAMR and TPACK! Let's start with TPACK!

When we are planning lesson activities with technological equipments by considering the frame for, TPACK, we can prepare more suitable plans for our learners according to their pedogogic needs. There are 3 main components which affects each others. They are: Content Knowledge (CK); Pedagogical Knowledge (PK); and Technological Knowledge (TK).

Also, there are three intersection component; Technological Content Knowledge (TKC); Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK); and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge  (TPK).

Let's clarify them:

  • TK (Technological Knowledge ) is about having knowledge about how technological devices use like smartboards, tablet pc or laptops.
  • CK (Content Knowledge) is about having knowledge about the topic that is taught or topic that have been learnt likes ideas or notions.
  • PK (Pedagogical Knowledge ) is about knowledge of the teacher like how can s/he taught a topic to learners like task-based lessons. 
  • TPK (Technological Pedagogical Knowledge) it is about choosing the most appropriate technological options while doing a task. 
  • TCK (Technological Content Knowledge) it is about transferring your technological information to efficient teaching process. 
  • PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) it is about choosing the most appropriate teaching and learning method for the course and then planning the lesson.
Now it's turn for SAMR!

It is created by Ruben Puentedura. It is actually not a framework but a tool that guide the teachers. It has four components. They are Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. 

Let's clarify them:

  • Substitution as it names refers there is a substitution between the previous tools and technological devices. Like instead of pen they use keyboard.
  • Augmentation still has substitution but there is also a improvement. Like students can use google drive.
  • Modification is about a change in learning. Students get more consicious about how they learn and think. They get more social learners, they interact with each other. Like they can share their fold that is supported by links with world. 
  • Redefinition is about definition of new education via using technology. In here, students can use web 2.0 tools.

25 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi

Mondly, Busuu, Memrise, and Duolingo!

Hello everyone! I hope all of you doing well! Today i want to talk about four different language learning applications /websites. This applications can be so intersting for learners especially for the little ones :) Let's start!


It offers you lots of different lessons with different topics. There are some activities like matching words with photograps, or like translations of sentences. You can study daily :) I think that it will enhance the autonomy of the student. If you want to see more topics you can buy premium account. It offers full access.

In addition, Mondly has a VR applicaiton. You can get more informaiton by clicking here!


Now, it's turn of the Busuu. You can make practice, you can study topics. I used Busuu once, when i was 11th grade i think, and i really liked it. You can interact with natives or non-natives. You can correct others mistakes or vice versa :)

As you can see this is my conversations section. I receive some corrections or i gave some corrections. 


It is just like the other applications /websites that i've mention so far. You can develop your four skills via using this application. There is also games, and chatbox! 


Duolingo also enhance your foreign language learning proccess! It has its own activities, you can make practices! It keeps your progression. You can set daily goals and study regularly according to you aim! And you can purchase your account in order to get full access :)

To sum up, those applications that helps you to learn a foreign language are so dynamic and useful. You can learn by yourself. Or you can make new friends from other cultures, languages on Busuu!

24 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

NearPod and Mindmeister

Hi! I hope all of you doing well. Today we are talking about 2 different websites/apps; Nearpod and Mindmeister! They are very benefical educational tools for foreign language learning. You or your students can use them in order to enhance learning.
Let's start with Nearpod.

I signed up as a teacher. 

After you signed up, it will show you how you can use this website. As you can see, in Nearpod you can ask questions and your students can reply :) So we engaged in learning wherever we are.

The main menu of the Nearpod. You have your library part and lessons part. You can create your own discussions, games, or writing prompt. 

Also, you can see other presentations. 

                                       Also you can reach your student's reports :)

Now, it is time to take a look at the Mindmeister!

I have already signed up Mindmeister since it was one of my assigments from other semester.

This is the main menu of Mindmeister. 

There is also variety of templates you can choose. Take a look at them before you start :)

This was my homework. This is the creation area. You can edit your own work after you finished it.

Too many options are available for sharing :)

22 Mayıs 2020 Cuma


Hello everyone! I hope all of you doing well :) Today we will take a look at a website called Pixton! With Pixton you can create comics for your class. It is a very functional and beneficial educational tool. It will definitely attract the attention of your students :) Let's take look at it in a detailed way.


When you open the Pixton's website this page welcomes you. You can choose your purpose and continue. I have chosen the 'for educators' option.

By the way, my browser did not support the website. So, i switched to my iPhone.

This is my teacher avatar.

The main menu of Pixton. You can see my English class.

Since i have entered as a teacher i can add students to my class :)

We can see our students' comics.

And if my students create their avatars, they will appear in our class :) Isn't it so cute C:

I tried to create a comic. First of all, you need to add a background. Ther are a variety of backgrounds. You can add background from that section.

You can also add characters to your comic! As you see, you can customize characters' outfits, or hair models etc. 

You can decide your characters' actions. Too many options :)

You can add captions :)

You can assign different face expressions to each of your characters.

Of course you can also assign poses :)

These are the content packs that i have. 

Also you can choose your favorite comics from your students :)