19 Mayıs 2020 Salı

VOKI and Flipgrid

Hello guys! I hope all of you doing well. Today we are going to take a look at the VOKI and Flipgrid. I want to start with VOKI as a first. If you remember my vidcast experience, i used VOKI. But i did not write a review about it in a detailed way. But now, i am going to write :)

VOKI is an website where you can create on your own animations. You can use this in your clasroom with your students :) It will enhance the persistence of new information :) I did an example for it, you can look at it at the end of the VOKI part.

This is the main menu of VOKI. I have already an account but its free trial just has end. So, i just sign up again via another e-mail. 

If you want to create a VOKI, there are lots of combinations. You can choose character, accessories, backgrounds, color settings. You can combine them according to your preferences :) There are also famous people like Shakespeare.

You can add your voice via recording it or uploading. Or you just enter the text and it will read it for you :) But unfortunately there is a limitation in the record. VOKI is limited up to 60 seconds. Because of that reason i just split my VOKI into two parts :) Here it is the links:

Now it is time to talk about Flipgrid; 
Just like the VOKI application, Flipgrid also enhance the learning. In Frlipgrid, teachers can start a discussion on a topic and students start to discuss about it via shooting videos:) It is very efficient in terms of the practicing the language in language classes. They both interact with their teacher and their friends. So, this led to learning occurs in a social environment. 

I took these screenshots from Flipgrid's own website :) As you can see there is code system again :) like the Edmodo and Storybird. 

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