It offers you lots of different lessons with different topics. There are some activities like matching words with photograps, or like translations of sentences. You can study daily :) I think that it will enhance the autonomy of the student. If you want to see more topics you can buy premium account. It offers full access.
In addition, Mondly has a VR applicaiton. You can get more informaiton by clicking here!
Now, it's turn of the Busuu. You can make practice, you can study topics. I used Busuu once, when i was 11th grade i think, and i really liked it. You can interact with natives or non-natives. You can correct others mistakes or vice versa :)
As you can see this is my conversations section. I receive some corrections or i gave some corrections.
It is just like the other applications /websites that i've mention so far. You can develop your four skills via using this application. There is also games, and chatbox!
Duolingo also enhance your foreign language learning proccess! It has its own activities, you can make practices! It keeps your progression. You can set daily goals and study regularly according to you aim! And you can purchase your account in order to get full access :)
To sum up, those applications that helps you to learn a foreign language are so dynamic and useful. You can learn by yourself. Or you can make new friends from other cultures, languages on Busuu!
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